DU&T Consulting

We professionally engage Management and organizational problem-solving using Research and Development techniques to identify the problem and proffer the needed solutions. We engage training as a way to communicate our findings to all levels of the organization pyramid. Training is also predominant in our problems-solving techniques such as our project conceptualization and action plan sessions to convert research findings into action plan.

The first step is to adequately identify the problem through discussion with the real decision-maker. Our Research Methodologies, Analysis and Recommendation are expected to search problems to the roots in order to give long-lasting solutions.

We conduct various forms of researches like Human Resources, Organizational Financial and Marketing Researches. Research forms the basis of our Business Development Efforts. We assist organizations to develop their business plans and evaluate their activities.  We conduct:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Marketing Research
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Training Impact Assessment
  • Evaluating performance appraisal system
  • Systems Evaluation
  • Project Evaluation

To support client’s strategic shift toward results, monitoring and evaluation must provide a strong and coherent system of learning and performance measurement. The client and its operating units are expected to monitor progress toward achievement of results systematically; to report on those results annually; and to integrate lessons learned into management decisions and future programming initiatives.
The demand for increased development effectiveness has been based on, inter alia, a realization that producing good “deliverables” is not enough. In many cases, efficient or well-managed projects or outputs did not actually have any discernable effect on development. The attention must therefore be centered onoutcomes – realistic and positive changes in specific development conditions. By focusing on outcomes, we try to aim for results where they are mostly needed – people’s lives.

DU&T Consulting

DU&T Consulting