DU&T Consulting

DU&T Consulting can assist you by providing effective Management Consulting Services for your business.  This includes:

Business Strategy and Performance Improvement Strategy provides direction and simplified ways of accessing deviation and redirecting efforts to the most important success drivers. We assist organization in identifying optimal organisational-wide strategies, developing strategic plan and help in monitoring, evaluating and refining strategies.
Sales Strategy and Performance Improvement Planning sales involves a strategic orientation. Our effort covers the review of data, fact and practices; analysis of data, alignment of sales plans to the strategic goals, providing guidance of implementation modes; monitoring performance.
Organizational Development and Effectiveness Every organization needs to understand its corporate culture and how people relate within the organization. We assist them to develop better culture and ensure effective change Management Consulting service. We also counsel companies undergoing a corporate transition to effectively assess and structure leadership teams, address organizational and workforce effectiveness and optimize human resource program transition, efficacy and impact.
Personality Testing and Profiling We, through our partner- Central Test USA, provide personality and psychometric testing for identifying employees traits and personalities and work based competencies. for free trial of the test click Here
Organisational Alignment and Payment Structure We use simple but effective techniques to develop clearly articulated role profiles to help inform appropriate job grading structures (or organizational levels). We also conduct job analysis and evaluation to determine compensation levels, and job description creation.
Business Process Improvement We assist organizations in developing policies and procedures while we also provide advice and guidance on the practical application of best practice, ISO standards and regulatory requirements as part of our Management Consulting services.
Management Training and Retreat Programme We provide management training and retreat programme as one of the veritable tools to solving corporate challenges while proffering lasting solutions for corporate improvement. New employee orientation and employee needs assessment will foster employees retention
HR Outsourcing Outsource part or all of your human resources function to us. We can set you up with a virtual HR department, including an onsite HR professional, Payroll, Performance and Change Management etc.
Employment Outsourcing We outsource Professional and Non-Professional Employees like Quality Assurance, Quality Engineers, Calibration Engineers, Laboratory Technicians, HR Executives, Supply Chain Team, Front Desk, Support Staff, Cashiers, Clerks, etc.

Interest: info@dutconsulting.com / 08033746076

DU&T Consulting