DU&T Consulting
  • June 16, 2021
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Cognicert Hotels Service Manager Course

What is a course in hospitality management? It is a course that studies all aspects of management as well as all levels of service in the hospitality industry. This study offers a general overview of necessary functions, such as front desk work and kitchen and food service as well as concentrated lessons on general business and management practices. Courses also include studies specialized areas event management, marketing, sustainability and even health and wellness management.

Hospitality management participants gain many important skills that can propel them to upper hospitality administration or help them in any career field. They learn communication and human relation skills that can help them with colleagues as well as clients, and they also learn about organizing, planning and scheduling hotel management activities..

Course Objectives

At the end of the training, participants would be able to:

  • Understand the requirement of ISO 22483 and other related standards
  • Plan, implement and maintain effective hotel management practices
  • Monitor, audit and review hotel practices according to the requirements of ISO 22483
  • Promote effective compliance with the international and local requirements
  • Promote food and other health safety practices in the hotel

Course Outline

We take pride in our hospitality and hotel management course. It is developed by leaders in the industry and updated regularly to provide the most up-to-date information.

  • Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Understanding the ISO 22483:2020 Requirements
  • History of the standards
  • Other Tourism and hospitality standards
    • ISO 21401 “Tourism and related services – Sustainability management system for accommodation establishments – Requirements”
    • ISO 13810 “Tourism services – Industrial tourism – Service provision”
    • ISO 21101 “Adventure tourism – Safety management systems – Requirements”
    • ISO 20611 “Adventure tourism – Good practices for sustainability – Requirements and recommendations”
    • ISO 18065 “Tourism and related services – Tourist services for public use provided by Natural Protected Areas Authorities – Requirements”
    • ISO 13687 “Tourism and related services – Yacht harbours”
    • ISO 13009 “Tourism and related services – Requirements and recommendations for beach operation”
    • ISO 24802 “Recreational diving services – Requirements for the training of scuba instructors”, and ISO 13970 “Recreational diving services – Requirements for the training of recreational snorkelling guides”
    • ISO/TR 21102 “Adventure tourism – Leaders – Personnel competence”
  • Staff Management in Hotels
  • Organizational structure and definition of responsibilities
    • Induction and Training program
    • Guest service
    • Services and facilities for staff
    • Subcontracted services
  • Service Management
    • Information and communication
    • Front desk services
    • Reservation service
    • Check-in service
    • Check-out, settlement and departure
    • Luggage handling
    • VIP services
  • Accommodation services
    • Rooms
    • Food and beverage services
    • General requirements for buffet systems
  • Events organization requirements
  • Entertainment activities
  • Safety and security requirements
    • Risk and accident prevention
    • Food safety
    • Reception of food products
    • Storage of food products
    • Preparation
    • Waste treatment
    • Health safety
    • Security of people and assets
    • Safety of buildings and facilities
    • Emergency management
  • Maintenance requirements
    • Buildings and outdoor areas
    • Equipment
  • Cleanliness requirements
    • Cleaning plan
    • Cleaning of common areas
    • Cleaning of rooms
    • Deep cleaning program
  • Supply management
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Training Methodologies
    • Case Study
    • Individual Exercises
    • Role Play
    • Group Exercises
    • Group Presentation
    • Examination

Assessment and Qualification
Learning is assessed through:

  • 3 hours open or 1 and ½ hours multiple choice online examination. Passing the exams qualifies the candidate for Cognicert Hotels Service Provisional Manager
  • Practical experience of more than 5 years qualifies participants Cognicert Hotels Service Manager  (Lead Category) I.D Card and Certificate
DU&T Consulting