DU&T Consulting
  • June 16, 2021
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(ISM Code Implementer Course) Certified by Cognicert UK www.cognicert.com

According to the ISM Code, the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) plays a key role in the effective implementation of a Safety Management System and takes responsibility for verification and monitoring of all safety and pollution prevention activities. To comply with the ISM Code a shipping company should be able to provide documentary evidence that the DPA has received sufficient training to undertake the necessary duties.

In this course the participants will be fully prepared to assume the role of DPA. This means providing them with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to implement and maintain the company’s SMS as required by the ISM Code.

During the course the participants will be reminded about the background and objectives of the ISM Code and the resulting requirements for the company’s SMS from a modern management perspective. The responsibilities and authority of the DPA, possible legal exposure, as well as other potential difficulties will be explained. Advice is provided on principles and systematic   of risk management and incident investigation.

Special attention is given to the importance of the human factor and good communication in safety management. Modern management concepts are presented. Activities are included to develop the capabilities of the participants in performing the duties, tasks and responsibilities of the DPA. Achievement of the required level of competence is assessed by means of a final test.

Who Should Attend

  • Shipping Companies;
  • Superintendents;
  • Quality managers;
  • Designated persons;
  • Nautical officers;
  • Engineer;
  • All those wishing to act the Role of DPA along with all office Personnel involved in ISM implementation;

Course Content:

  • Introduction

o          Requirements of the DPA in the 21st century

o          Principles of modern management systems

o          Knowledge and understanding of the ISM Code

o          Background, Purpose & 2015 amendments to I S M code.

o          Mandatory Regulations, Codes, Guidelines, Standards.

  • ISMS Planning

o          ISMS Policies and Objectives

o          Stakeholders in Shipboard Operations and Marine industry.

o          Assessment techniques

o          Maritime hazards and risk assessment

o          Environmental risk assessment

o          ISMS Risk Controls and implementation plan

  • Implementation

o          Handling of mandatory rules and regulations

o          The Role of the Designated Person

o          Roles and Responsibilities

o          Stakeholder management

o          Risks management

o          Implementation of documented processes and procedures

o          Training, awareness and communication

o          Ensuring effective communication with shipboard staff and shore management

o          Technical and operational aspects of safety management

o          Understanding operations of a shipping company

  • Monitoring and evaluation

o          Performance Measurements, Monitoring and evaluation

o          Auditing techniques

o          Requirements for marine-related management system audits

o          Management System Audits and Certification under ISM.

  • Improvement

o          Non-conformance and Corrective action

o          Implementation of corrective action

  • Duration: 3 days
  • Training Methodologies
    • Case Study
    • Individual Exercises
    • Role Play
    • Group Exercises
    • Group Presentation
    • Examination

Assessment and Qualification
Learning is assessed through:

  • 4 hours open examination. Passing the exams qualifies the candidate for Cognicert Designated Person Ashore (CPD Certificate)
  • Practical experience of 45 hours of implementation with activity log qualifies participants for our Cognicert Designated Person Ashore (Auditor Category) I.D Card and Certificate

    DU&T Consulting

    DU&T Consulting