DU&T Consulting

Certified by Cognicert UK Limited www.cognicert.com

This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise and knowledge to support an organization in implementing and Auditing Emergency Management System as specified in ISO 22320. Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of best practices used to appropriately manage risks in compliance with the requirements of ISO 22320. This standard specifies minimum requirements for effective crisis /incident response and provides the basis for command and control, operational information, coordination within an incident response organization. ISO 22320 outlines global best practice for establishing command and control organizational structures and procedures, decision support, traceability and information management. The standard also helps ensure timely, relevant and accurate operational information by specifying processes, systems of work, data capture and management. It also establishes a foundation for coordination and cooperation, ensuring that all relevant parties are on the same page during a disaster, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings and ensuring a more effective use of the combined resources.

ISO/PAS 22399:2007 Societal security- Guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity management This guideline provides general guidance for an organization – private, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations – to develop its own specific performance criteria for incident preparedness and operational continuity, and design an appropriate management system. It provides a basis for understanding, developing and implementing continuity of operations and services within an organization and to provide confidence in business, community, customer, first responder and organization interactions. It also enables the organization to measure its resilience in a consistent and recognize manner.

ISO 11320:2011 provides criteria for emergency preparedness and response to minimize consequences due to a nuclear criticality accident. The criticality safety of operations are evaluated in accordance with ISO 1709. This standard applies to a site with one or more facilities which might contain significant quantities and concentrations of fissile material. The extent to which ISO 11320:2011 needs to be applied depends on the overall criticality risk presented by the facilities at the site

ISO 23601:2009 establishes design principles for displayed escape plans that contain information relevant to fire safety, escape, evacuation and rescue of the facility’s occupants. These plans may also be used by intervention forces in case of emergency and are intended to be displayed as signs in public areas and workplaces.

ISO 22315:2014 provides guidelines for mass evacuation planning in terms of establishing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, reviewing, and improving preparedness. It establishes a framework for each activity in mass evacuation planning for all identified hazards. It will help organizations to develop plans that are evidence based and that can be evaluated for effectiveness. ISO 22315:2014 is intended for use by organizations with responsibility for, or involvement in, part or all of the planning for mass evacuation. It is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations that are involved in the planning for mass evacuation, such as local, regional, and national governments; statutory bodies; international and non-governmental organizations; businesses; and public and social groups.

Who should attend?
  • Risk managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support an organization In the implementation of ISO 22320
  • ISO  22320 auditors who wish to fully understand the Emergency Management implementation process and Senior Managers responsible for the Emergency Management.
  • Process Owners
  • Regulatory Compliance Managers
  • Project Management
  • Persons responsible for information security or conformity within an organization
 Learning objectives
  • To understand the implementation of Emergency Management by adhering to the framework and principles of ISO 22320
  • To gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques required for the effective management of risk in an organization
  • To understand the relationship between the components of a Emergency Management process, including responsibility, strategy, acquisition, performance, conformance, and human behavior
  • Drafting and implementing Security and Optimisation strategies
 Course Agenda
Introduction to Emergency Management Systems and ISO 22320
  • Introduction and a brief history of Emergency Management
  • ISO 22315: 2014 Societal security — Mass evacuation — Guidelines for planning
  • ISO 23601 ; 2009 Safety identification — Escape and evacuation plan signs
  • ISO 11320:2011 provides criteria for emergency preparedness and response to minimize consequences due to a nuclear criticality accident.
  • Overview of the fundamental principles of Emergency Management
  • Understanding the requirements of ISO 22320
  • Context of the Organsiation
  • Risks Assessment and Impact Analysis
  • Legal and Other Requirements
Implementing Emergency Management Strategy
  • Assigning roles and accountabilities
  • Establishing the Emergency Management
  • Procedures and processes
  • Development of a training & awareness program and communicating about the emergency
  • Operational controls and warning
  • Effectively managing changes
  • Establishing a Emergency Management strategy committee with the focus on offering advice on value, risk, and performance
  • Implementation of a Risk Management process

 Implementing, monitoring and evaluating an EmerMS based on ISO 22320

  • Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation of emergency performance
  • Evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements
  • Testing and Exercises
  • ISO 22320 internal audit
  • Management review of EmerMS
  • Treatment of problems and nonconformities
  • Verifying Actions


Duration:             (5 days)  Date to  be agreed

 Enquiry: 08033746074, 08182704246 or info@dutconsulting.com

 DU&T Consulting, 14 Akinremi Street, Ikeja,  Lagos.  www.dutconsulting.com

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