DU&T Consulting
  • April 25, 2016
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Writing an investor-grade business plan can be challenging and time consuming, even for those who have done it before. If you are a typical entrepreneur, you’re already too busy focusing on other priorities, such as building your customer base, perfecting your product, or recruiting key management. We can help.

Our business planning services include:

  • Executive Summaries:creating a compelling executive summary can be at least as challenging as developing a complete business plan. This is your one chance to make a great first impression, and we can help you get it right.
  • Business Plan Development:We can tailor our business plan preparation services to suit your situation and your budget:
    • Full Service Planning:We will help you optimize your strategy, research and analyze your market and competitive position, and create a clear and compelling business plan to articulate your opportunity.
    • Limited Service Planning:If you are on a more limited budget and have the time to conduct the majority of the research and writing, we can guide and prioritize your efforts; supply templates and other helpful materials; and critique, edit, and format your drafts.
    • Pitch Decks: A great pitch deck is clean, crisp, and tells just the right story, without going into excessive detail. And yet, it still needs to be backed up by a full complement of research, analysis, and strategy.
  • Project Feasibility Study and Reporting
  • Marketing Planning and Business Model Development
  • Organisational and Manpower Planning
  • Operational or Production Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Business Plan Review:If you have already written your plan, we can provide an objective third party critique before you send it to investors.
  • Business Plan Seminar:If you want your in-house team to understand the dos and don’ts of business plan writing, budgeting, or any other startup-related topic, we offer seminars that can be delivered in your offices.
  • Presentation Design: We’ll help you design a crisp presentation and coach you on how to deliver it in an engaging way.
  • Entrepreneur Coaching & Tactical Guidance: The list of questions facing startups and emerging growth ventures can be overwhelming; our seasoned entrepreneurs will help you sort it all out.

    DU&T Consulting

    DU&T Consulting