DU&T Consulting

ASQ Certified Calibration Technician Course

Examination Preparatory Course

The topics in this Body of Knowledge (BOK) include additional detail in the form of subtext explanations and the cognitive level at which the questions will be written. This information will provide useful guidance for the candidate preparing to take the exam. The subtext is not intended to limit the subject matter or be all-inclusive of what might be covered in an exam. It is meant to clarify the type of content to be included in the exam.

  1. GENERAL METROLOGY (35 Questions)

Base SI Units 
Describe and define the seven base units: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole. (Understand) 
: The application of these units is covered in I.B., I.C., and I.E.

Derived SI Units
Define and calculate various derived units, including degree, ohm, pascal, newton, joule, coulomb, hertz, etc. (Apply)

  1. SI Multipliers and Conversions
    Define various multipliers, including, kilo, deci, centi, milli, and calculate converted values, such as mega to kilo, micro to milli, etc. (Apply)
  2. Fundamental Constants
    Identify fundamental constants c(velocity or speed of light in a vacuum), g (gravitational constant), and R(universal gas constant), their standard symbols, and their common applications. (Remember) NOTE: The values of these constants and the formulas for calculating them will not be tested.
  3. Common Measurements
    Describe and apply IM&TE in measuring temperature, humidity, pressure, torque, force, mass, voltage/current/resistance, time/frequency, and linear displacement. (Evaluate)
  4. Traceability Standards and Hierarchy
    Identify various aspects of traceability, including traceability through commercial and national laboratories and international metrology organizations. (Understand)
  5. Measurement Standards
    Define and distinguish between various types of standards, including primary, reference, working, intrinsic, derived, consensus, and transfer, and identify when to use them in various situations. (Apply)
  6. Substitution of Standards
    Determine when and how calibration standards can be substituted based on measurement requirements, equipment availability, equipment specifications, etc. (Analyze)
  1. MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS(22 Questions)
    1. Measurement Methods
      Describe and use various measurement methods, including direct, indirect, ratio, transfer, differential, and substitution by unit under test (UUT). (Evaluate)
    2. Measurement characteristics
      Define and distinguish between various measurement characteristics, including variability, sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility, bias, linearity, stability, etc., as they are used for basic measurements. (Understand) NOTE: The use of these characteristics in uncertainty measurements is covered in IV
    3. Measurement Data Considerations
      Identify and analyze various aspects of measurement data, including format, readability, resolution, suitability for use, confidentiality, etc. (Analyze)
    4. IM&TE Specification Terms and Characteristics
      Define and use common specification descriptions, including percent of full scale (FS), percent of range, percent of reading, and number of counts. Describe and distinguish between characteristics of specifications, including tolerance and specifications, baseline modifies and qualifiers, output, scale and floor terms, etc. (Analyze)
    5. Error Sources
      Identify and correct for error sources that can affect measurement results, including drift, bias, operator error, environment, etc. (Evaluate)
    6. Measurement Assurance Program (MAP)
      Define and describe basic MAP concepts, including interlaboratory comparisons and testing schemes, proficiency tests, gage R&R studies, etc. (Understand)
    7. CALIBRATION SYSTEMS(33 Questions)
      Calibration Procedures 
      Identify and define common elements of calibration procedures, such as required equipment, revisions, equipment listing, environmental considerations and restraints, etc. (Understand)
    8. Standardization and Adjustment Methods
      Use methods such as spanning, nulling, zeroing, linearization, etc., to adjust and standardize IM&TE, and analyze the outcomes. (Analyze)
    9. Industry practices and regulations
      1. Industry practices
    10. Regulations, mandates, and guidance
    11. Environmental Control
    12. Calibration Processes for IM&TE
      1. Process flow
      2. Logistical information
      3. Roles and responsibilities 
    13. Scheduling
    14. Validation Processes
    15. Records management
    16. Official reports
    1. Uncertainty Terminology
    2. Uncertainty Budget Components
    3. Uncertainty Determination and Reporting
    4. Technical and applied mathematics (Apply)
      1. Scientific and engineering notation
      2. English/Metric conversions 
      3. Ratios
      4. Linear interpolation and extrapolation
        Interpret tables and graphs to determine intermediate and extrapolated values.
      5. Rounding, truncation, and significant figures
        Round and truncate a given number to a specified number of digits.
      6. Order of mathematical operations
      7. Algebraic equations
        Use basic algebra to solve for the unknown.
      8. Angular conversions.
      9. Graphs and plots 
      1. Quality Management Systems
        1. System components
        2. Strategic and tactical processes
      2. Quality Control Tools
      3. Quality Audits 
      4. Corrective Action for Nonconformances
        1. Nonconforming material identification
        2. Impact assessment
      5. Professional Conduct and Ethics 
      6. Occupational Safety Requirements
        1. Hazards and safety equipment
        2. Hazardous communication (HazCom) standard
        3. Housekeeping
        4. Quality Standards and Guides

Exam Registration Details

Exam preparation:

Classroom Session in Nigeria (This includes all materials, Review Questions and Exam guides).

Membership Registration with ASQ Student/ Associate/ Full $29 /$99 / $159
Exam fee to ASQ: Actual Fee: $418 Members Fee:  $318      / Retake: $218

Lagos Week days: 24-28 February,2019 March 2, 2019 January 11, 2019 January 16, 2019
Lagos Week days: 29 September- 3 October, 2019 October 5, 2019 August 16, 2019 August 21, 2019

COMPUTER-BASED EXAMINATION                                                                                                            

Lagos 12-17 January, 2019 January 4 – 20, 2019 December 7, 2018
March 1 – 17, 2019 February 1, 2019
28 April- 2 May, 2019 May 3 – 19, 2019 April 5, 2019



Venue: DU&T Hall, Ikeja, Lagos.
Fee: N250,000; registration on/before  September 20– N230,000 (cover Training, Material, Lunch and ISO Certificate). Discount of 10% for 4-9 participants, 15% for 10 and above.Registration Details: DU&T Consulting, 0016102526 GTBank PlcEnquiry: 08033746076, 08182704266 or info@dutconsulting.comDU&T Consulting, 5 Afisman Drive, Anifowose, Ikeja, Lagos.  www.dutconsulting.com


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