DU&T Consulting
  • April 25, 2016
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Our business development team supports expansionary drives of local, International and multinational companies willing to  operate in Nigeria and West Africa Axis. We work with local and international organization seeking representatives in Nigeria or directly opening and operating office(s) in Nigeria. In Nigeria and abroad, we listen to international companies to bring our investment expertise. We propose to assist you to:
  • Accompany you during your exploratory visits to Nigeria, offering you, if you wish, B2B meetings with public and private partners (outside commercial missions);
  • Help you submit the investment opportunities in Nigeria in the form of buyout companies in need of financial backing, for their backup or growth; We can also assist you in finding opportunities related to public and private investments (project financing, equity investments, acquisitions).
  • Help you to understand the regulatory, tax, social, labor law or economic immigration framework, as well as the public aids and supports available, in order to allow you to compare Nigeria and the other West Africa countries that you are targeting perhaps, to make the most informed choice possible. Liaise with The Federal , state and local Government to secure all necessary documents and fulfill all regulatory requirements;
  • Prepare your forecast /business plans with figures and recent data, adapted and competitive solutions. Development of Business Plan, process, system setup, and other strategic documents;
  • Offer you implementation offers and services for your activity, as part of your projects of creation of new sites; we will propose to you on the basis of your specifications, to guide you to the most suitable regions and state and will accompany you throughout the process of site selection and physical implementation;
    • We assist you in securing your site location (ownership orrental), office setup costing,monitoring and supervision.
    • Recruit staff, orientation, training and management process meeting
    • Setting up the structure, processes and systems tailored to the parent company’s or interntaional standards.
    • Help you to identify Business Opportunities in Nigeria and foster partnership: distributorship, agencies for our clients.
    • Identify and promote genuine and specific Foreign Direct Investment into Nigeria

Inquiry:  send your corporate profile and your country verifiable legal status with the subject matter “Business Development” to info@dutconsulting.com / +2348033746076 .

    DU&T Consulting