DU&T Consulting
  • May 4, 2018
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TARGET AUDIENCE Store officers and managers, Sales team and managers
OBJECTIVES On completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Use different methods of stock valuation to manage stocks and costs related to stocks
  • Recognize the need for forecasting in determining the right quantity
  • Apply different methods of reordering inventory
  • Recognize the need for safety stock and its impact on service level
  • Use stock classification and stock coding to monitor and control inventory levels and inventory costs
  • Recognize the different methods used to plan and control stocks in manufacturing organisations
  • Recognize the principles of warehouse or stores location and layout whilst applying proper stock flow, rotation and recording
  • Manage all tasks with regard to the storehouse as well as material handling to ensure safety, accountability, inventory management and security.
  • Understand the importance of computer to the task of inventory management
PROGRAM CONTENT ·         Managing the Warehouse Operation

·         Inventory Management

·         Material Handling: systems’ precautions.

·         Stock taking and spot checking

·         Quality control in store management

·         Warehouse Quality and Good Warehouse Practice

·         Computerization of store management

FEES N150,000 per participant, 10% discount for 4-6 or and 15% for more than 4 participants.
Duration 2 days


    DU&T Consulting

    DU&T Consulting